Parents: Please use our Pre-K through 6th grade activities calendar as a quick reference for the month of October.#WeAreZachary
61 posts
Save the date: Early dismissal on Friday, October 4th.The ZHS Homecoming parade will roll at 3PM. Early Dismissal Times:ZHS @ 11:15 A.M.NMS @ 11:15 A.M.CMES @ 12:10 P.M.ZES @ 12:10 P.M.RPES @ 1:10 P.M.NES @ 1:25 P.M.ZELC @ 1:25 P.M.
We hope that all of our families are safe after the storm. After checking in with staff, completing facility and road checks, as well as power being restored for most of the area, we will return to a regular school day tomorrow, Friday, September 13th, 2024. All ZCSD schools and […]